
For one reason or another, cyborgs are individuals who were born organic but later became partially mechanical.


Known Members

In SatAMStH, cyborgs are most often the result of an individual who was subjected to the roboticization process, but was able to be rescued before the process completed itself. The result is an individual with tremendously enhanced strength in whatever limbs were affected and perhaps enhanced species-specific traits (Bunnie's telescoping spring legs, for example). The limbs are also surprisingly lightweight and waterproofed.

Despite these advantages, the affected areas are completely devoid of a sense of touch. This lack of feeling can cause them to physically forget where they've placed their limbs and be required to check on them visually. They can also cause problems such as not allowing a person to sleep comfortably, or the individual may experience phantom pain. They may also be prone to certain mental disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder. The limbs are also prone to magnets and EMP.

While roboticization is the most likely origin behind a cyborg, prosthesis technology did actually exist before then. However, "true" cyborgs are virtually unheard of today with the exception of Dr. Robotnik with his eyes and ears. The practice is now all but dead due to the war.

Cyborgs are extremely rare and considered an oddity due to the unlikely chances of being rescued from a roboticizer once it's been activated.


Legal Cyborgs
Illegal Cyborgs

Through his research in mechanics, medicine and prosthetics, Dr. Zachary and a team of researchers has developed mechanical limbs that can completely replace, if not improve the original function of missing limbs or internal organs for those who have, for one reason or another, become amputees. However, due to the activities of an organization known as the Dark Legion there are two variations of cyborg - legal and illegal. Legalized cyborgs are registered and documented, while illegal cyborgs are modified using experimental and illegal equipment without government approval.

For legal cyborgs, prosthetics allow for enhanced strength, but little beyond that outside of limited customizations for athletic and work purposes. Basically, their intent is to replace the original limbs or organs and nothing more outside of special government-approved circumstances - say, extreme gear built into the feet, or a hand modified for pop-out workshop tools. No death lasers and super senses here, folks. In general, it's preferable they not have built-in weapons - though this isn't to say an individual may not be able to get resourceful with their limited upgrades (screwdriver claws to the face? Ouch.)

For illegal cyborgs, however - members of the Dark Legion - there are no limitations. These guys can have anything from built-in weapons to super enhanced senses to increased physical abilities and anywhere in between - within reason. Legal cyborgs can defect to the Dark Legion to receive illegal upgrades.

Prosthetic limbs have a very particular way in which they're constructed. The internal circuitry is meant to mimic the nervous system to make it as easy for the brain to recognize as possible, translating and routing electronic and biological signals. Because of this, not just any robotic limb can be attached to a person. It takes a special and extensive knowledge of both mechanics and biology to construct and attach these. Physical therapy is required during an adjustment period when limbs are first attached, but due to the considerations in the technology, it's usually minimal. The amount of time the adjustment period lasts varies from person to person.

Currently, there is no available technology for prosthetics to allow a sense of touch. While the technology is in development, it's not perfected and not ready for public distribution. This may or may not change in later story developments, but for now, limbs are devoid of feeling entirely. This as a result may actually cause the individual to physically forget where they've placed their limb(s) and need to check their position and condition visually - as well as potentially suffer from a condition known as phantom pain, where the individual believes they are feeling sensations in the mechanical limb that do not actually exist.

Cyborgs are prone to standard robotic weaknesses and general mechanical failures. Magnets can be used to restrain them, and EMP blasts will disable exposed prosthetics such as arms or eyes. Internal prosthetics are insulated by the individual's body from EMP, thus sparing them from potential death. On the flip-side, their limbs are waterproof and contain bladders in them to allow buoyancy in the water, are extremely lightweight, and can pretty much withstand anything else the person is physically capable of enduring.

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